The Devil's Kitchen: Minister admits truth shock!
via Devil's Kitchen via Tim Worstall Minister admits truth shock! The minister: Tony McNulty, the truth: ID Cards are a freedom destroying waste of money. (I was going to write pointless then, but for New Labour destroying freedom is the point.) Devil's Kitchen then goes on to point out McNulty's hints that ID Cards will require further 'reform' of the House of Lords, since they had the gall to stand up for ancient British liberties.
Back when Lords reform was first talked about I thought it would be a good thing as I could not think of a less representitive system. New Labour however could, hence we now have an upper house that is less representitive than when it was purely the domain of the decendant of vicious thugs that other vicious thugs needed to keep on the right side of. The prospect of even more New Labour refroms therefore does not fill me with anything other than trepidation.
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